June 07, 2012

So here is the leaked picture of the new WWE championship belt. I was kinda bummed to have it spoiled but oh well. I decided to post it here to get your thoughts. I kinda feel that it looks unfinished. Which it very well could be. It's lacking color and detail that will make it look important. The thing needs to look like it's worth money, like it's a big deal to carry it around. This picture just looks blah.

But like i said, it may not be finished. Let's hope it turns out cool.

What do you think?


  1. Why would you be bummed that it was spoiled for you, then go and spoil it for other people? Kayfabe, man! It doesn't exist til it's on television!

  2. This needs to be unredacted. Or dacted.

  3. Yeah, sorry that was kinda harsh. I can't put the picture back though, I don't know where it came from. Apologies. I thought the RTC pic I made was funny, but it does come off more like a Quarter Marshall heel turn. I'm fired. (Back next week with a new gimmick.)

  4. Oh great QM! Now we got heat! I posted the leaked picture cuz i figured that you two dudes who i know check out a dirtsheet or two, prolly already saw it. If you didn't im sorry. Ill follow a strict no spoiler rule for now on. And if you are now a heal i guess that makes me a face. But i'm one of those babyfaces that does healish stuff and gets face praise anyway. HA HA HA!!!!

  5. So now that I've read all this, I now know that I'm the only one of us that hasn't seen this belt. I, in fact, don't even know what we're talking about. The Poncho Man is hopelessly lost without a manager. I can't quite decide where to turn.
